
chapter III: scorned

"Events at my Apartment: D_ _'s Unlawful Trespass, Entry, and Assault and Battery

I entered my apartment, the top-floor of the building, and locked the door behind me. Within a few minutes of my arrival, Ms. D__ was now at the door, pounding on it, shouting profanities, and insisting I allow her to enter. I refused her entry. There was eventually a pause in her disturbance. Through the peephole I could see Ms. D__ entering the free access stairwell that ascended to the roof. Soon I could hear her footsteps across the ceiling of my apartment. I immediately became aware therefore that Ms. D__ was attempting to gain entry to my apartment by descending from the roof to my personal terrace via the rooftop fire escape, as she had done on at least one prior occasion the preceding week.

I moved to the glass-paned terrace door, confirmed that it was locked, and positioned myself 2 steps behind it. Ms. D__ soon entered the frame, descending via the fire escape, jumped onto my terrace and after determining that the door was indeed locked, began pounding now on the glass pane immediately adjacent to the door lock. Not expecting this type of resolve on her part, before I could approach the door, Ms. D__ had broken the pane and proceeded to unlock the door from the inside."

please stay on the therapy. that i will pay for. & keep writing that journal, you've made a lot of progress since january, honey. in the words of the immortal warner wolf (ny sportscaster): "let's go to the videotape!":

(25 Jan 04) "Goddamit boy, how can you not forgive me? I've never cheated, never even tempted to look at another male since you. I have no sex drive in fact unrelated to you. I can't even masturbate. All my waking hours are and have always been consumed by you. Can you not see psychoness is directly proportional to love? Given that, I'm sure no one has ever loved as much. Haha. Darling, can you not remember what good times we have together? Can't wait to read this a year from now. Uh-oh. I think I'm going to call him. God, please don't let me do that."

well, actually, maybe you still are that psycho. but you stay on the wagon, ok? don't give up hope. you just might find yourself in a relationship again in a few years.


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