
hoi polloi

re: all this chatter about the electoral college's failings, from the embittered, disenfranchised gore camp who've been drinking out their sorrows the last 4 years while bush did a texas two-step all over them, nato, afghanistan, iraq, the kyoto accord, int'l court of justice, the deficit, the 8 members of the supreme court who don't duck hunt--am i missing anything??

well, what seems to be lost on the liberal neo-elites is that while in 2000 and this year, the electoral college is working against them, ie. huge popular vote victory margins in places like california essentially get tossed out in the tally, this is really the last hurrah for the Republican party's platform as we know it. they're gonna have to come back to the middle, and fast, or face relegation to Ross Perot status. this isn't exactly news, but people don't seem to grasp how the demographics are completely against them going forward. blacks, latinos, asians are quickly displacing the white voting block. and which way do minorities vote, class?

which means, we (dems) should start worrying about populist trends in policy, within our own party. time to consider switching sides of the aisle. while it may addmittedly be very difficult right now to see yourself aligning with the 40% of the population who thought bush-as-forrest-gump constitutes a winning debate performance, we're rapidly going to find our liberal sensibilities trumped by real world considerations such as obscene IRS tabs, a welfare state in the grand French design, immigration policies run amuck, basically "free shit for everybody", everybody except for those in our tax bracket.

btw, Kerry's got Florida back.
keep hope alive.


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